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Launching a New Marketplace for Creative Spaces

Co-Founder, Design Lead & Front-End Engineer, 2017 — 2019

In 2016 I co-founded, along with 3 other founders, AVVAY.com. AVVAY is an online marketplace for creative professionals to find and book creative spaces. I led product design, research and frontend development as well as helped the company raise a seed round of funding shortly after we graduated with the Techstars Builder 2018 class.


Research, front-end dev, visual & interaction design

One of the biggest challenges with AVVAY was designing and building a two-sided marketplace that served two core customers, guests, and hosts. Each customer had their own set of needs and goals so finding the appropriate balance in serving both is a consistent but rewarding challenge. Ultimately the solution was formulated with a lot of customer interviews and experimentation across the product.

I led the led the design and frontend development effort to build multiple iterations of the AVVAY website including what is currently live today. I also wrote copy and worked on a refactoring the frontend code for search engine optimization.

AVVAY Homepage


Research, front-end dev, visual & interaction design

Early in building the product we saw that creative professionals and agencies using AVVAY needed a way to find other and work on projects and events together. I worked with my co-founders to design and build a new platform to bring these two sides of the marketplace closer to each other.

AVVAY Homepage

AVVAY Location Scouting

Interaction & visual design, front-end dev

AVVAY Location Scouting was the last large project that I worked on during my time with AVVAY. Historically location scouting has been a very small, exclusive, and manually intensive business. We saw an opportunity to build the first nationwide location scouting service for tv, film and production companies to book spaces in an efficient and affordable way. I worked on building out our internal space management software to onboard, search, and manage scouting locations in the AVVAY library.

AVVAY Homepage

Additional Work



A multidisciplinary designer based in Nashville who is passionate about solving hard problems with human centered design. Read more.